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Daniela's Shop

Medical Student at Imperial College London selling handmade notes for GCSEs, A-Levels and entrance exam/interview Practise

Medical Student at Imperial College London selling handmade notes for GCSEs, A-Levels and entrance exam/interview Practise
GCSE English: The Merchant of Venice Character booklet

GCSE English: The Merchant of Venice Character booklet

This booklet contains everything you need to know about the characters in order to achieve a top grade in the GCSE AQA English literature exam. what it includes: A plan for how to structure an essay based on the AQA Mark scheme Plan for all the characters, including points, quotes, analysis and context to use in an essay This booklet was created by a student who achieved a grade 9 in her English Literature exam at GCSE
GCSE English: An Inspector Calls character booklet

GCSE English: An Inspector Calls character booklet

This booklet contains everything you need to know about the characters for the GCSE AQA English literature exam paper 2. The booklet includes essay plans for each of the characters: there are points, quotes and detailed analysis and context for a grade 8/9 response. This was created by a grade 9 student
GCSE English : The merchant of venice theme booklet

GCSE English : The merchant of venice theme booklet

This booklet contains everything you need to know about the themes in the Merchant of Venice to achieve a grade 8/9 in the English Literature Exam Paper 1. It includes points, quotes and detailed analysis and context for each theme to help structure an essay. themes includes: justice mercy love (romantic, friendship and family) appearance and reality prejudice wealth This was created by a student who achieved a grade 9 in her GCSE exam
GCSE English AQA Poetry: Power and conflict notes

GCSE English AQA Poetry: Power and conflict notes

This booklet contains everything you need to know to do well in the poetry exam for AQA English literature paper 2. It includes a plan for how to structure the essay based on the AQA mark scheme, as well as the majority of the poems in power and conflict. For each poem, it gives a summary and then provides quotes and analysis for language and structure/form to provide a plan for a grade 8/9 answer. It also provides context to reach top marks. Learn this booklet and you are set for a top grade. It was created by a student who got grade 9 for English Literature at GCSE